Zoom Guide


Zoom is a conferencing service that allows members of our community to gather via video and / or telephone. Zoom has been introduced into our courses because it is easy to use and allows people to connect across time and space.

Joining a Zoom Meeting

The course coordinator will send you a Zoom invite that looks similar to what is below. Most people will call in with their computer. In this case, simply click the link shown in the box. Otherwise, it is also possible to call into a Zoom meeting via telephone using the information below.

First Time Computer/Smartphone Install Details:

  • The first time you access Zoom, it will prompt you to install an app. To start this process, click on the meeting link. This takes a couple minutes or more and only needs to be done the first time.
  • You may access the video call with your computer or smartphone: there are Windows, Mac, iOS and Android apps available here.
  • Test your computer/smartphone here.

Entering the Video Meeting:

  • When you open Zoom for the video call, be sure to choose the option “Use my computer/smartphone’s audio.” Learn more about How to Join or Test Computer Audio. When you enter the room, you will be prompted to type your name. This is how it will appear to other participants.

Entering into the Audio Only Meeting:

  • If a computer or smartphone connection is not available to you, you may call in from a phone just like a traditional conference call. After you dial a local phone number for your country (see Zoom International Dial-In Numbers), you enter the 9-digit Meeting ID provided in the Zoom meeting invitation from your Meditation Instructor.
  • For more information on Audio Only Meetings, please see the Zoom documentation on How Do I Join By Telephone?

How to Navigate the Zoom Interface

Here’s a step-by-step guide to Zoom basics:

  1. If you have joined by video, upon entering the Zoom room you will see everyone else who is also part of this meeting. If you have joined by phone, your number and a video image of a telephone will be displayed.
    If you have joined by video, the top-right corner of the screen will allow you to change the view from “speaker” to “gallery”. Gallery view is recommended – with this option you can see everyone in the call at all times, rather than just a large view of the person speaking. If you have joined by phone, this feature will not apply.
  2. If you have joined by video, you will also find a “mute” button on the bottom-left corner of the screen. As it improves the sound quality immensely if the group is muted when not speaking, please click this button once your meeting begins.
  3. If you need to speak at any point, simply click the the microphone icon again. If you have joined by phone, you can mute and unmute by pressing *6.

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